Research suggests symptoms of depression and anxiety are at their all time high worldwide*. Mental Health facilities are over-extended and many people need immediate support. Mind Alignment Process (MAP) provides a personalized alternative healing program to improve your well-being, health and wellness. MAP Practitioners have successfully supported clients in substantially and sustainably improving their quality of life within just a few weeks.
Research suggests symptoms of depression and anxiety are at their all time high worldwide*. Mental Health facilities are over-extended and many people need immediate support. Mind Alignment Process (MAP) provides a personalized alternative healing program to improve your well-being, health and wellness. MAP Practitioners have successfully supported clients in substantially and sustainably improving their quality of life within just a few weeks.
Research suggests symptoms of depression and anxiety are at their all time high worldwide*. Mental Health facilities are over-extended and many people need immediate support. Mind Alignment Process (MAP) provides a personalized alternative healing program to improve your well-being, health and wellness. MAP Practitioners have successfully supported clients in substantially and sustainably improving their quality of life within just a few weeks.
1-10: These Ups and Downs Are Considered Normal
11-16: Mild Mood Disturbance
17-20 Borderline Clinical Depression
21-30: Moderate Depression
31-40: Severe Depression
Over 40: Extreme Depression
A MAP Health & Wellness Client reported her mood scale using The Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)** went from an Extreme Depression (46) to Mild Mood Disturbances (12) in just over 60 days. A score of 10 or below is considered normal ups and downs.
*Daly, M., Robinson, E. (2022). Depression and anxiety during COVID-19, 399(10324), 518. Doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(22)00187-8 **Beck AT Steer RA Garbin, MG. Psychometric properties of the Beck Depression Inventory: twenty-five years of evaluation. Clin Psychol Rev. 1988;87–100.
*Daly, M., Robinson, E. (2022). Depression and anxiety during COVID-19, 399(10324), 518. Doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(22)00187-8 **Beck AT Steer RA Garbin, MG. Psychometric properties of the Beck Depression Inventory: twenty-five years of evaluation. Clin Psychol Rev. 1988;87–100.