One Client Profile
My experience of life is one of constant, anxiety, fear, depression, dissociation, ungroundedness, anger and numbing. Life is disorganised and uncomfortable. I struggle to express myself and maintain relationships. All my relationships are stressed – my work place, my family, my finances, myself. I’m scared of being hurt, rejected, abandoned and punished. I have trouble sleeping from nightmares, lack of energy and I’m almost always drained and tired. I struggle to maintain daily tasks or self care. I struggle to maintain my professionalism, career and study. I carry guilt and shame of the past. I am depressed and feel worthless and hopeless.
It has been dark for so long, I have begun to believe that this was just my life. That my trauma is too deep and too heavy. That I’m at a dead end and my life cannot be conceived beyond this. I didn’t know things could be different.
I have tried many different approaches to free me of my trauma: cognitive therapy, tapping, medication, EMDR, meditation, therapy, hypnotherapy and psychotherapy etc. I find little to no improvement and progress is always slow. The healing is temporary and the trauma comes back. I never get to the root and I’m never truly satisfied.
I finally reached out in desperation to learn more about MAP because I believed in my heart , I truly had a chance at living a good life and was willing to try anything. I wanted to heal this for years, and this time I just thought, well why the hell not?
My MAP session felt like the ‘reset’ I so desperately needed. Now, After MAP I feel liberated and free of my trauma. I flow through life with lightness and ease. I can see myself clearly and make decisions that serve me. I have a lot more energy and I am taking care of myself and completing daily tasks. I enjoy my sleep. I have found love and depth in relationship with myself and others. I trust myself, accept myself and have found self confidence. I attract opportunity and success into my life. I feel safe and supported. I have been given a new life. I am happy. I have found deep peace. I am grateful.
Does this sound familiar?
Is this you?
MAP is here to support you quickly and easily
Following their MAP Healing Session, participants report experiencing:
A deep sense of relief and peace
Rapid change in quality of life
Renewed sense of hope
Decrease in trauma symptoms
Feeling empowered to make new choices

“Tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary of my MAP session! I have seen non-stop results, internally and externally, since that day.“
Stephanie Z.
– MAP Recipient
Stephanie's MAP Experience
“Tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary of my MAP session! I have seen non-stop results, internally and externally, since that day. I didn’t realize at the time how important my MAP session was, because I didn’t hvae a specific flashback that prompted me to book. However, as it got closer to my session, I recalled multiple traumatic situations to address from my childhood in my consultation with Dr. Chrissy Emerick (which happened on Nov. 1st 2019).
MAP is such a blessing to humanity and I can’t wait to see how my healing one year ago continues to build and expand with love in my life!”
– Sincerely
Stephanie Z.
Niki's MAP Experience
“MAP check in – 7 months
I just wnated to write about how I feel after 7 months of having my MAP session.
I will provide a before and after, I don’t want to sound tragic but its the truth of how my reality felt before: constant anxiety, fear of even walking outside my house, fear of living in general, constantly hyperaware about everything happening around me, dissociated from my body, difficulty talking and taking care of myself, feelings of despair and untrustness of love, helplessness, guilt and shame. Believing the world is a very dark and heavy place.
After 7 months: I know my future is bright and full of love, I know I can achieve everything I want, I believe and trust in Love fully. I feel safe and loved, and I keep going deeper here. I am discovering different things about myself everyday, I’m not afraid to stand up for myself, I’m not afraid to say no and I know I create my reality. I have compassion for myself and others, and I’m working on becoming the best version of me. I love me.
I’ve went through drug abuse, self-medicating, rape, childhood abuse, severe bullying and self-harm growing up.
I never thought I would ever recover from my past, but look at me slaying because of this healing, I mean what?
I was never broken, and nobody can ever be broken.
I am very thankful to MAP for changing my life, the power of this healing is so huge.“
Niki Z.
“After 7 months: I know my future is bright and full of love, I know I can achieve everything I want, I believe and trust in Love fully. I feel safe and loved, and I keep going deeper here. I am discovering different things about myself everyday, I’m not afraid to stand up for myself, I’m not afraid to say no and I know I create my reality. I have compassion for myself and others, and I’m working on becoming the best version of me. I love me.”
Niki Z.
– MAP Recipient

“After 7 months: I know my future is bright and full of love, I know I can achieve everything I want, I believe and trust in Love fully. I feel safe and loved, and I keep going deeper here. I am discovering different things about myself everyday, I’m not afraid to stand up for myself, I’m not afraid to say no and I know I create my reality. I have compassion for myself and others, and I’m working on becoming the best version of me. I love me.”
Niki Z.
– MAP Recipient
Niki's MAP Experience
“MAP check in – 7 months
I just wnated to write about how I feel after 7 months of having my MAP session.
I will provide a before and after, I don’t want to sound tragic but its the truth of how my reality felt before: constant anxiety, fear of even walking outside my house, fear of living in general, constantly hyperaware about everything happening around me, dissociated from my body, difficulty talking and taking care of myself, feelings of despair and untrustness of love, helplessness, guilt and shame. Believing the world is a very dark and heavy place.
After 7 months: I know my future is bright and full of love, I know I can achieve everything I want, I believe and trust in Love fully. I feel safe and loved, and I keep going deeper here. I am discovering different things about myself everyday, I’m not afraid to stand up for myself, I’m not afraid to say no and I know I create my reality. I have compassion for myself and others, and I’m working on becoming the best version of me. I love me.
I’ve went through drug abuse, self-medicating, rape, childhood abuse, severe bullying and self-harm growing up.
I never thought I would ever recover from my past, but look at me slaying because of this healing, I mean what?
I was never broken, and nobody can ever be broken.
I am very thankful to MAP for changing my life, the power of this healing is so huge.“
Niki Z.

“This MAP session deeply changed my life. I understood how many of my past experiences were built on this core trauma, and also how much of my anxiety came from these traumas. Layer by layer, everything is releasing now, and I have a deep feeling of peace and clarity. I even have no words to express this freedom I can feel now for the first time in my life. All the guilt and the pain are leaving forever, and I am so glad for that. Also, MAP is really a logical process, very peaceful and so nice and easy. You do not need to have any beliefs, it is just about pure logic and as a scientist I really like it! I cannot recommend more this powerful tool!”
Dr Kiran Zimmermann, PhD
– MAP Recipient
Watch Drake's Story

“MAP changed all of this on a level I didn’t know was possible or expected at all. While I was doing my Welcome Consultation with Jason, I nearly backed out of it because I felt like I didn’t really have trauma and it was a waste of time and money, and I was just ‘feeling sorry for myself.’ Jason assured me these were real traumas. And he actually told me we could do the session right then and there, immediately after the Welcome Consultation. I am so glad and so grateful to Jason for this.”
Michaila F.
– MAP Recipient
Michaila's MAP Experience
“I decided to MAP after realizing that I had a deep depression that was preventing me from being able to live my life normally. I was not able to actually be happy, because underneath everything, there was a deep unresolved trauma that was always telling me happiness is not real, that there is something wrong with, and that no matter what I do it will always be futile. I felt so terrible deep down that I literally couldn’t function normally. Most of my days were spent feeling really bad, hopeless, sad, and depressed. I would temporarily feel good, but I did not have a solid foundation of “I am okay” deep down. I was very hurt. This affected all things, including the way I related to others. It didn’t occur to me that trauma may be the thing that’s preventing me from being able to move beyond and heal, and live a normal, happy life like everyone else seemed to be able to do. Depression had me always feeling like an outsider and different from other people.
MAP changed all of this on a level I didn’t know was possible or expected at all. While I was doing my welcome consultation with Jason, I nearly backed out of it because I felt like I didn’t really have trauma and it was a waste of time and money, and I was just “feeling sorry for myself.” Jason assured me these were real traumas. And he actually told me we could do the session right then and there, immediately after the welcome consultation. I am so glad and so grateful to Jason for this.
We went through each flashback, and there were 4 that immediately popped into my mind, and Jason walked me through each one smoothly and effortlessly. As we healed each trauma and I made a new choice each time, I felt “space’ opening up in my heart and chest where these deeply rooted unprocessed feelings were occupying. It was amazing how easy it was. The new choice I came to make is to release self blame and to see my true value.
Since the session, the upheaval has passed for the most part, though it still comes in waves. The first several weeks very deep deep pain was releasing from my being and it was really intense. But as each wave passed, I felt stronger and more solid at the core of my being, whereas before there was a dark black hole of depression there that swallowed up all of my joy.
And now, 6 weeks after MAP I am truly, genuinely feeling better than ever. I can feel the last bits of my depression processing and leaving. I am understanding on a deeper level that I am more than depression, and that I am an actual whole person who matters and has so much value to share with the world. Before I just felt guilty, wrong, and like I had no real value to offer the world. I processed and released some very deep, heavy things during my MAP experience. I can honestly say that MAP changed everything for me and I can’t believe that I ever lived any other way than trauma free.
I am so beyond grateful for MAP and for the existence of such miraculous healing. I never thought I would come to a place where I actually feel “okay” deep deep down. At my core, I know I will be okay. I know I can be happy, and I am committed to building a life of true happiness, which was something I could never seem to be able to do before MAP. I feel very emotional writing this now because I am looking back feeling only appreciation and compassion for myself having gone through what I did, and making such a choice to heal it. And for MAP, I feel so thankful for giving me the ability to live a trauma free life where I actually feel in control of my life, my relationships, and my feelings. I feel so grateful and emotional knowing I never have to experience trauma or depression again, because all I need to do is reinforce and reaffirm my choices. I feel powerful and confident. Thank you MAP.”
Michaila F.

“I will forever be grateful for MAP. I used to live in flight or fight energy due to suffering from PTSD. I had no idea how to even start to heal my PTSD. But with MAP they made it so easy & gentle for me. I know from experience that anyone suffering from trauma would have a massive shift & positive impact in their life if they chose to move through MAP. Thank you so much MAP. I now live a joyful & peaceful life free from trauma & my boys get a happy present momma!!!”
Kanisha M. C.
– MAP Recipient
Read Lara's MAP Experience
“I feel relieved and supported and I would do 10 more rounds of MAP anytime if needed, I am very grateful. Still a little unsure about opening up and sharing, but I know I am safe here. Thank you for reading. Thank you for this place of healing.”
Lara's MAP Experience
I had my second MAP round yesterday with Laurentiu, who is also my new coach together with Alexandra since a few weeks. After a short talk with Chrissy last week regarding my first MAP round, which helped me a lot, I knew I didn’t want to wait any longer for a second round. Laurentiu gently and easily walked me through the issues that came up.
My biggest block is again and again rejection with resulting withdrawal and avoidance, as well as closing up, being quiet. By uncovering an original trauma, I became much more aware tonight of the consequences these deep wounds have on my actions. I was very much rejected and left alone by my mother, my father was not present and if only associated with conflict. I had no reliable and loving contact in my parents and was mostly alone, often with my older brother, who had a lot of power and control over me.
The last weeks in the community were hard for me because of the fear of exclusion, abuse and loss of power. The truth is, I am supported and held in the best way, but the panic that kept coming was overwhelming. With being alone as a child I lacked direction and guidance, the one I received was abusive and not loving. I gave up my power again and again to be tolerated and allowed to be there. not to be excluded.
Many memories came to me tonight. Immediately after the MAP session I got a severe headache and it got worse overnight, hardly bearable. Along with that I also feel nausea and a lot of sadness. But I can accept it well and thanks for letting it go. I had nightmares tonight, but also a dream with Jeff. I was sitting at his desk and was supposed to fill something out and sign it.
I felt insecure like a little kid and made mistakes, wrote on the wrong line and was not mindful and present with my task, but already thinking about the next step and what Jeff would think. He responded so lovingly and with angelic patience, showing me how to do better, where the mistake was, how to get it right and that it wasn’t a bad thing that I needed to learn. I could really take a breath in the dream and relax, sitting there at the big desk like a lost, little, frightened child who was afraid of punishment and now only received loving, gentle support. The recurring panic attacks in the last few weeks have been bad and I am very grateful for all the support, and the impressive effectiveness of MAP.
Thank you for letting me be here, thank you for giving me the time to heal. I felt so unworthy to be here without anything to give. In a coaching session Laurentiu told me that I can see that my healing is valuable, which was very relieving for me. For a few weeks I have been removed from all the positions I had in order to heal. I had received the discipline and guidance that was important through my long post with Yves. And I know that I can trust. Because of the guidance, we also have very little, to no contact at this time, which is very important to heal, not get stuck in patterns and stop here. We follow the advice and choose only truth and peace. I feel very humble today. I am loved. I am powerful. I am worthy. These are my I am statements.
I feel relieved and supported and I would do 10 more rounds of MAP anytime if needed, I am very grateful. Still a little unsure about opening up and sharing, but I know I am safe here. Thank you for reading. Thank you for this place of healing. 🙏

“I feel relieved and supported and I would do 10 more rounds of MAP anytime if needed, I am very grateful. Still a little unsure about opening up and sharing, but I know I am safe here. Thank you for reading. Thank you for this place of healing.”
Lara's MAP Experience
I had my second MAP round yesterday with Laurentiu, who is also my new coach together with Alexandra since a few weeks. After a short talk with Chrissy last week regarding my first MAP round, which helped me a lot, I knew I didn’t want to wait any longer for a second round. Laurentiu gently and easily walked me through the issues that came up.
My biggest block is again and again rejection with resulting withdrawal and avoidance, as well as closing up, being quiet. By uncovering an original trauma, I became much more aware tonight of the consequences these deep wounds have on my actions. I was very much rejected and left alone by my mother, my father was not present and if only associated with conflict. I had no reliable and loving contact in my parents and was mostly alone, often with my older brother, who had a lot of power and control over me.
The last weeks in the community were hard for me because of the fear of exclusion, abuse and loss of power. The truth is, I am supported and held in the best way, but the panic that kept coming was overwhelming. With being alone as a child I lacked direction and guidance, the one I received was abusive and not loving. I gave up my power again and again to be tolerated and allowed to be there. not to be excluded.
Many memories came to me tonight. Immediately after the MAP session I got a severe headache and it got worse overnight, hardly bearable. Along with that I also feel nausea and a lot of sadness. But I can accept it well and thanks for letting it go. I had nightmares tonight, but also a dream with Jeff. I was sitting at his desk and was supposed to fill something out and sign it.
I felt insecure like a little kid and made mistakes, wrote on the wrong line and was not mindful and present with my task, but already thinking about the next step and what Jeff would think. He responded so lovingly and with angelic patience, showing me how to do better, where the mistake was, how to get it right and that it wasn’t a bad thing that I needed to learn. I could really take a breath in the dream and relax, sitting there at the big desk like a lost, little, frightened child who was afraid of punishment and now only received loving, gentle support. The recurring panic attacks in the last few weeks have been bad and I am very grateful for all the support, and the impressive effectiveness of MAP.
Thank you for letting me be here, thank you for giving me the time to heal. I felt so unworthy to be here without anything to give. In a coaching session Laurentiu told me that I can see that my healing is valuable, which was very relieving for me. For a few weeks I have been removed from all the positions I had in order to heal. I had received the discipline and guidance that was important through my long post with Yves. And I know that I can trust. Because of the guidance, we also have very little, to no contact at this time, which is very important to heal, not get stuck in patterns and stop here. We follow the advice and choose only truth and peace. I feel very humble today. I am loved. I am powerful. I am worthy. These are my I am statements.
I feel relieved and supported and I would do 10 more rounds of MAP anytime if needed, I am very grateful. Still a little unsure about opening up and sharing, but I know I am safe here. Thank you for reading. Thank you for this place of healing. 🙏
Watch Gabriel's Story
“All in all, I feel absolutely fantastic and am just in love with life. Coming from a healed state now, my relationship with life is drastically changing and it’s almost like I am relearning how to live and how to approach life.”
Denis' MAP Experience
It felt like my mind got really clear and sharp and I started feeling like myself and very empowered again. It became really easy to feel my feelings, heal and let go of what is not serving me. It’s almost like I could see clearly again, whereas before I felt like I was stumbling through the darkness without any sense of direction.
A lot of peace and joy returned to me and for the last 2 weeks, that joy and peace have only been expanding and deepening with every passing day. My tolerance for feeling bad has become very, very low. Last week I was grounding and processing a lot and experience what I can only describe as a huge inner transformation. It felt like who I thought I was and my traumatized self was leaving my system for good and I was truly becoming myself. When I look back at my life before my MAP session, it feels like I am looking at a different person’s life. I let go of my attachment to the past and feeling like that is where my good is, have had a lot of breakthroughs when it comes to recognizing that all of my good is truly within myself and am learning how to live life fully in the present moment.
All in all, I feel absolutely fantastic and am just in love with life Coming from a healed state now, my relationship with life is drastically changing and it’s almost like I am relearning how to live and how to approach life. I realized that life is not what I thought it is. It’s not meant to be a struggle in any way; it’s meant to be easy, peaceful and full of miracles.
All I can say to conclude this is: Thank God for MAP

“All in all, I feel absolutely fantastic and am just in love with life. Coming from a healed state now, my relationship with life is drastically changing and it’s almost like I am relearning how to live and how to approach life.”
Denis' MAP Experience
It felt like my mind got really clear and sharp and I started feeling like myself and very empowered again. It became really easy to feel my feelings, heal and let go of what is not serving me. It’s almost like I could see clearly again, whereas before I felt like I was stumbling through the darkness without any sense of direction.
A lot of peace and joy returned to me and for the last 2 weeks, that joy and peace have only been expanding and deepening with every passing day. My tolerance for feeling bad has become very, very low. Last week I was grounding and processing a lot and experience what I can only describe as a huge inner transformation. It felt like who I thought I was and my traumatized self was leaving my system for good and I was truly becoming myself. When I look back at my life before my MAP session, it feels like I am looking at a different person’s life. I let go of my attachment to the past and feeling like that is where my good is, have had a lot of breakthroughs when it comes to recognizing that all of my good is truly within myself and am learning how to live life fully in the present moment.
All in all, I feel absolutely fantastic and am just in love with life Coming from a healed state now, my relationship with life is drastically changing and it’s almost like I am relearning how to live and how to approach life. I realized that life is not what I thought it is. It’s not meant to be a struggle in any way; it’s meant to be easy, peaceful and full of miracles.
All I can say to conclude this is: Thank God for MAP
Disclaimer & Terms of Sale
Terms of Sale:
All Sales Are Final. No Refunds. All MAP Healing services must be completed or scheduled within 30 days of payment or are void. Attendance to After-MAP Care Meetings must begin within 30 days of the MAP Healing Session or are void. Missed sessions cannot be made up. If an additional MAP Welcome Consultation is required for any reason there is a payment of $60. MAP Healing Session rescheduling fee is $15. All MAP Healing Sessions must be rescheduled 72 hours prior to the originally scheduled appointment or are void. All MAP Health & Wellness recurring Coaching agreements can be canceled at any time. No Refunds. We reserve the right to remove any client for any reason, if we choose to end the coaching relationship, we will refund the remainder of unused coaching services but PayPal will keep its fees and we will not reimburse for fees.
“All MAP Healing Sessions must be completed within 2 weeks of your initial MAP Welcoming Consultation or an additional MAP Welcome Consultation must be completed. All MAP Healing Sessions must be completed within 30 days of payment or are void. Attendance to After-MAP Care Meetings must begin within 30 days of the MAP Welcome Consultation or are void. Missed sessions cannot be made up. If an additional MAP Welcome Consultation is required for any reason there is a payment of $60. MAP Healing Session rescheduling fee is $15. All MAP Healing Sessions must be rescheduled 72 hours prior to the originally scheduled appointment or are void.
*If you are having suicidal thoughts, tendencies, or feel like you might kill yourself, call a suicide hotline. Remember the diagnosis and treatment of PTSD requires trained medical professionals. Mind Alignment Process Inc. (MAP) Practitioners are not trained medical professionals or counselors, nor do we purport to be. MAP should NOT be used as a substitute for seeking professional care for the diagnosis and treatment of any mental/psychiatric disorders. MAP should be used in conjunction with professional care. You may want to contact your local crisis hotline, community mental health center, private practitioner or clergy. If you are in crisis, call or text 988. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) provides 24/7 free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress across the United States. Call if you need help. There is always someone there for you.
Neither Mind Alignment Process Inc., its principals or affiliates, nor its contributors shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone’s use of the information, including any decisions in anyway that stems from failure to take appropriate medical and or psychiatric/counseling assistance.
In no event shall Mind Alignment Process Inc., affiliates or its contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to: failure to seek appropriate medical and or psychiatric assistance, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, tort (including negligence or otherwise), or any other theory arising in any way out of the use of this system, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury, whether based on alleged breach of contract, tortuous behavior, negligence or any other cause of action, including but not limited to damages or injuries caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, and/or theft, destruction or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of any record.”

-Mind Alignment Process Inc. 2022

Mobile version below, do not delete 🙂
Disclaimer & Terms of Sale
Terms of Sale:
All Sales Are Final. No Refunds. All MAP Healing services must be completed or scheduled within 30 days of payment or are void. Attendance to After-MAP Care Meetings must begin within 30 days of the MAP Healing Session or are void. Missed sessions cannot be made up. If an additional MAP Welcome Consultation is required for any reason there is a payment of $60. MAP Healing Session rescheduling fee is $15. All MAP Healing Sessions must be rescheduled 72 hours prior to the originally scheduled appointment or are void. All MAP Health & Wellness recurring Coaching agreements can be canceled at any time. No Refunds. We reserve the right to remove any client for any reason, if we choose to end the coaching relationship, we will refund the remainder of unused coaching services but PayPal will keep its fees and we will not reimburse for fees.
“All MAP Healing Sessions must be completed within 2 weeks of your initial MAP Welcoming Consultation or an additional MAP Welcome Consultation must be completed. All MAP Healing Sessions must be completed within 30 days of payment or are void. Attendance to After-MAP Care Meetings must begin within 30 days of the MAP Welcome Consultation or are void. Missed sessions cannot be made up. If an additional MAP Welcome Consultation is required for any reason there is a payment of $60. MAP Healing Session rescheduling fee is $15. All MAP Healing Sessions must be rescheduled 72 hours prior to the originally scheduled appointment or are void.
*If you are having suicidal thoughts, tendencies, or feel like you might kill yourself, call a suicide hotline. Remember the diagnosis and treatment of PTSD requires trained medical professionals. Mind Alignment Process Inc. (MAP) Practitioners are not trained medical professionals or counselors, nor do we purport to be. MAP should NOT be used as a substitute for seeking professional care for the diagnosis and treatment of any mental/psychiatric disorders. MAP should be used in conjunction with professional care. You may want to contact your local crisis hotline, community mental health center, private practitioner or clergy. If you are in crisis, call or text 988. The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) provides 24/7 free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress across the United States. Call if you need help. There is always someone there for you.
Neither Mind Alignment Process Inc., its principals or affiliates, nor its contributors shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained herein and assumes no responsibility for anyone’s use of the information, including any decisions in anyway that stems from failure to take appropriate medical and or psychiatric/counseling assistance.
In no event shall Mind Alignment Process Inc., affiliates or its contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to: failure to seek appropriate medical and or psychiatric assistance, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, tort (including negligence or otherwise), or any other theory arising in any way out of the use of this system, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. This disclaimer of liability applies to any damages or injury, whether based on alleged breach of contract, tortuous behavior, negligence or any other cause of action, including but not limited to damages or injuries caused by any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, and/or theft, destruction or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of any record.”

-Mind Alignment Process Inc. 2022