One Client Profile

 My experience of life is one of constant, anxiety, fear, depression, dissociation, ungroundedness, anger and numbing. Life is disorganised and uncomfortable. I struggle to express myself and maintain relationships. All my relationships are stressed – my work place, my family, my finances, myself. I’m scared of being hurt, rejected, abandoned and punished. I have trouble sleeping from nightmares, lack of energy and I’m almost always drained and tired. I struggle to maintain daily tasks or self care. I struggle to maintain my professionalism, career and study. I carry guilt and shame of the past. I am depressed and feel worthless and hopeless. 

It has been dark for so long, I have begun to believe that this was just my life. That my trauma is too deep and too heavy.  That I’m at a dead end and my life cannot be conceived beyond this. I didn’t know things could be different. 

I have tried many different approaches to free me of my trauma: cognitive therapy, tapping, medication, EMDR, meditation, therapy, hypnotherapy and psychotherapy etc. I find little to no improvement and progress is always slow. The healing is temporary and the trauma comes back. I never get to the root and I’m never truly satisfied.

I finally reached out in desperation to learn more about MAP because I believed in my heart , I truly had a chance at living a good life and was willing to try anything. I wanted to heal this for years, and this time I just thought, well why the hell not? 

My MAP session felt like the ‘reset’ I so desperately needed. Now, After MAP I feel liberated and free of my trauma. I flow through life with lightness and ease. I can see myself clearly and make decisions that serve me. I have a lot more energy and I am taking care of myself and completing daily tasks. I enjoy my sleep. I have found love and depth in relationship with myself and others. I trust myself, accept myself and have found self confidence. I attract opportunity and success into my life. I feel safe and supported. I have been given a new life. I am happy. I have found deep peace. I am grateful.

Does this sound familiar?
Is this you?

MAP is here to support you quickly and easily

as we have supported the clients below.

Following their MAP Healing Session, participants report experiencing:

A deep sense of relief and peace

Rapid change in quality of life

Renewed sense of hope

Decrease in trauma symptoms

Feeling empowered to make new choices

Tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary of my MAP session! I have seen non-stop results, internally and externally, since that day.

Stephanie Z.
– MAP Recipient


"It really is freeing and so empowering. I almost can't believe I wasn't choosing this loving way of living before." Deborah B. - MAP Recipient 2 weeks post-MAP Healing Session

"My triggers are rare, but I know that my trauma does not define me or control me.

I am completely free!"

- MAP Recipient

9 weeks post-MAP Healing Session

"This, peace, has been the most central feeling I've had since my MAP session." - MAP Recipient 1 week post-MAP Healing Session
"Once the core was resolved, all of the rest of my flashbacks held no more 'meaning' or emotional attachment for me." - MAP Recipient 1 week post-MAP Healing Session
"I've been feeling amazing, peaceful and light. Heavy blocks have been lifted and I feel reborn." - MAP Recipient 6 Month After MAP Check-In

"Since my first round of MAP a year ago I've been able to release many fears that were holding me back.

I'm feeling more and more empowered in following my heart and be confident in my choices."

- MAP Recipient

1 Year After MAP Check-In

"My MAP Healing last year has had permanent and lasting changes on my life! I've noticed that I feel more independent and empowered.

I came into my Harmonious Union within this year as well. I continue to deepen in peace. I love MAP <3"

- MAP Recipient

1 Year After MAP Check-In

"I am feeling better and better overall. I feel more confident, more free and more able to improve my own life." - MAP Recipient 1 Year After MAP Check-In
"Quick update… 3rd week from MAP & I had a huge purge last Thursday. This Thursday returning to my modern company class, my memory has returned. I used to have such a sharp clear memory and somewhere between high school & lots of life lessons I lost it. I literally had so much trouble with new material. And just like a light switch. My memory switched back on & it was soooo easy to not only do new work, but to retrograde it completely. Boom. Healing. It’s Real. Thank you!!!!!" - Kelly J. MAP Recipient
"The traumatic event I first healed in MAP happened 5 years ago today. The suicide of my former fiancé. Today I am no longer mourning the former fiancé. I am not in the hospital after an episode of PTSD as I have been in the past. I am not haunted by the images of the scene. My second MAP session was to heal the childhood traumas that led to the patterns that landed me in the traumatic relationship. Part of that second healing was my inability to protect my best friend at 4 years old from the bad man living across the street from her. Since 4 years old I have never felt fully safe in the presence of men. Later on in my career this energy and pattern of powerlessness presented as sexual harassment, passovers, and all manners of highly toxic corporate leadership by men. Today I am watching Jeff run this community, his classes, and his companies in a way that makes me actually feel safe and protected and loved in a way I never dreamed was possible from men in charge. Today I feel safe and loved around the men in this community. Today I get to volunteer in HR and be a part of tending to our volunteers to make sure they feel safe and loved in their service to COU. Y’all this place is magic. This place is straight up love. I am deeply humbled by the love and healing I am experiencing here." - Jenny L. MAP Recipient

“After 7 months: I know my future is bright and full of love, I know I can achieve everything I want, I believe and trust in Love fully. I feel safe and loved, and I keep going deeper here. I am discovering different things about myself everyday, I’m not afraid to stand up for myself, I’m not afraid to say no and I know I create my reality. I have compassion for myself and others, and I’m working on becoming the best version of me. I love me.”

Niki Z.
– MAP Recipient

“After 7 months: I know my future is bright and full of love, I know I can achieve everything I want, I believe and trust in Love fully. I feel safe and loved, and I keep going deeper here. I am discovering different things about myself everyday, I’m not afraid to stand up for myself, I’m not afraid to say no and I know I create my reality. I have compassion for myself and others, and I’m working on becoming the best version of me. I love me.”

Niki Z.
– MAP Recipient

       “This MAP session deeply changed my life. I understood how many of my past experiences were built on this core trauma, and also how much of my anxiety came from these traumas. Layer by layer, everything is releasing now, and I have a deep feeling of peace and clarity. I even have no words to express this freedom I can feel now for the first time in my life. All the guilt and the pain are leaving forever, and I am so glad for that. Also, MAP is really a logical process, very peaceful and so nice and easy. You do not need to have any beliefs, it is just about pure logic and as a scientist I really like it! I cannot recommend more this powerful tool!”

Dr Kiran Zimmermann, PhD
– MAP Recipient

Are you ready to transform your life?
Talk with a MAP Specialist Today.

Watch Drake's Story

"MAP changed my life and I recommend it to everybody. I've never expected that my life after this program will feel the way it does now. My relationships changed in loving and trustworthy ones. I'm building up strong boundaries when they are needed and have much more compassion for It's new for me to experience the world this way. When you were used to protect yourself of trauma caused fear, you don't live. Now it´s beautiful for me to be curious like an innocent child and have faith that I have power over my life and my choices. I feel free and hopeful to create my life the way I want." - Nicole M. MAP Recipient
"This is my 11th week of MAP (round 2) and a couple of days ago I had a huge breakthrough with my health. I have Celiac and also can't digest starchy carbs - I get bloated from tiny amounts, feel tired and so on. In addition to this, for the last several months I started to feel like I wasn't digesting my food properly. I could only eat lunch as it would sit in my body for hours and I wouldn't feel hungry until the next morning. This was low carb and a small portion. I finally tried dropping the vegetables and going semi keto (I can digest simple sugars without problem) and it worked! I finally started to get my appetite back in the evening! And this went beyond the dietary change. I realized that I had been severely depressed about my twin flame's ex rebound up until recently when I finally healed the abandonment trauma at the core. I wasn't fully loving myself there as I was numbed out with anger, and that anger (which was really deep depression) caused my digestion to slow down (I was barely eating and not losing weight at all) and my appetite to shut down. I was so happy to get my appetite back I cried tears of joy lol." - Tiggy T. MAP Recipient
"It has been almost 2 weeks since my third MAP Healing Session. It is hard for me to even remember what I healed. What I do know now is that my relationship standard is solid. If those who I experienced unhealthy relationships with were to come and invite me into a relationship with them, I could very easily say no and I will. Because of MAP, I can see that I do not desire that relationship at all, because it makes me unhappy. I choose to be happy, and so there is no space for that relationship in my life. MAP helped me completely let go of co-dependency and feeling responsible for others and so my energy is clean. I am not responsible for anyone else and people have to earn a relationship with me. Today I saw a video which would have usually triggered one of my old traumas, but today I felt nothing. I was surprised and happy. Where I was riddled with guilt, I am now free, because I chose humility and compassion for myself and to let go of the past. MAP is profound. Thank you MAP. I’m looking forward to the unfolding of more success as the weeks pass by." -MAP Recipient
"These days I am reaffirming my new choices and am already sensing a beautiful vibe returning to me, and it feels as if a lot of heaviness has been released in this MAP Session. MAP saves lives and is life-changing. Thank you, MAP." - MAP Recipient
"It’s been 3 weeks and I feel a lot better, it’s working out for me. I heard somewhere “To get something you never had, you gotta do something you never did”. And it’s true. I have introduced myself to a lot of people in my life. But MAP helped me introduce myself to me. And I am thankful for that." - MAP Recipient
"It’s been 5 weeks since my MAP session. Each week feels better and better. The upheaval from last week was definitely worth the deep peace that we feel this week. We let go of a lot of attachments in places where we were numbed out." - MAP Recipient
"My boundaries are present and my presence in myself is increasing. My mind is clearer and I can really think clearly and take better care of myself, physically, emotionally. I feel my femininity more and I am re-finding joy in little things that I used to like and I enjoy normal activities without being a 'fun-breaker'. I am a lot less worried and more surrendered to what is coming, not in constant panic and my anxiety has decreased immensely." - MAP Recipient
"I am very impressed with this fast and effective healing method. I notice MAP especially in the brain. I feel that it is constantly working in the synapses and how important the brain is. It is such a relief to have a clear mind and that it is in harmony with the heart." - MAP Recipient

“MAP changed all of this on a level I didn’t know was possible or expected at all. While I was doing my Welcome Consultation with Jason, I nearly backed out of it because I felt like I didn’t really have trauma and it was a waste of time and money, and I was just ‘feeling sorry for myself.’ Jason assured me these were real traumas. And he actually told me we could do the session right then and there, immediately after the Welcome Consultation. I am so glad and so grateful to Jason for this.”

Michaila F.
– MAP Recipient


“I will forever be grateful for MAP. I used to live in flight or fight energy due to suffering from PTSD. I had no idea how to even start to heal my PTSD. But with MAP they made it so easy & gentle for me. I know from experience that anyone suffering from trauma would have a massive shift & positive impact in their life if they chose to move through MAP. Thank you so much MAP.   I now live a joyful & peaceful life free from trauma & my boys get a happy present momma!!!”

Kanisha M. C.
– MAP Recipient

Are you ready to transform your life?

Read Lara's MAP Experience

“I feel relieved and supported and I would do 10 more rounds of MAP anytime if needed, I am very grateful. Still a little unsure about opening up and sharing, but I know I am safe here. Thank you for reading. Thank you for this place of healing.”

“I feel relieved and supported and I would do 10 more rounds of MAP anytime if needed, I am very grateful. Still a little unsure about opening up and sharing, but I know I am safe here. Thank you for reading. Thank you for this place of healing.”

Watch Gabriel's Story

“All in all, I feel absolutely fantastic and am just in love with life. Coming from a healed state now, my relationship with life is drastically changing and it’s almost like I am relearning how to live and how to approach life.”

“All in all, I feel absolutely fantastic and am just in love with life. Coming from a healed state now, my relationship with life is drastically changing and it’s almost like I am relearning how to live and how to approach life.”

We can help you.

Schedule with a MAP Specialist to learn more.

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